« Being an HPL Lead - Kirsten Parker

New staff induction - the best approach?

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Each year as we have moved through the HPL process, through accreditation and then re-accreditation, it has become more of a challenge to induct new staff. This year, it has felt as if we have so much to go through and to explain, not just the concept but where we are as a school. Our expectations have changed and we are keen to share these in a manageable way. But how? We are running an induction day at the start of the autumn term, and then six weekly sessions which will be devoted to teaching and learning. We also insist new starters join the Teaching and Learning Group. But how best to break down the information? Im planning on starting where I always do, "What does your ideal student look like? What do they do?" but there are a number of options for the next steps. How have you approached this in your school?
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  1. Approach to induction day
    Something that was useful to me as a new member of Gems Wellington, Qatar was the approach used at our induction at the start of the year. We were set up in groups and given a task to complete. This task was actually relevant to the direction the school was headed in and to a new initiative they wanted to introduce. It was helpful that there were existing and new staff in each group across the different phases of the school. We were able to reflect on what aspects of HPL we had used in our activity afterwards and it had been a fun, insightful and useful experience to say the least. This was followed up by the HPL leads who delivered a few training sessions focusing on a specific part of HPL. 

    It might be useful to create a survey for new staff to rate and explain their experiences of being introduced to HPL and use this feedback to improve and develop what has already been implemented. 

    We also share exemplary practice. This has been in the form of 'walk-ins' both where the HPL team have gone to observe other members of staff in action but also as an opportunity for others to watch a lesson to see how their peers are using HPL on a practical level.