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A roll of wallpaper costs very little but can be a valuable resource for creating a big-picture of a literary work. Read the novel or play then cover a row of desks with plain wallpaper. Divide the text into sections and allocate students to a section. Then they have time to show, in as creative a way as they can, what happens in their section. Some just like to draw, others to make 3D models which they can attach. If context is important, they can be reminded to add that. If analysis is weighted more heavily, then that can be focussed on. When they have finished, there ought to be a scroll containing an overview, or big-picture, of the whole text which is, of itself, a good revision tool. It can be rolled up and stored away quite nicely too. 

If students are working towards a comparative essay, then the same process can be followed for a second text. Once that big-picture has been created, then the two can be placed side-by-side and links, connections and differences identified and explored. 


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