• Engagement of parents

    • Parental Engagement in their child’s learning has been found to have a profound effect on progress rates. A 10% dividend when a parent is generally interested and up to 15% when the parent shows strong interest. Parental involvement in a child’s schooling for a child between the ages of 7 and 16 is a more powerful force than family background, size of family or level of parental education. Parental involvement has a significant effect on pupil achievement throughout the years of schooling. Educational failure is increased by lack of parental interest in schooling. In particular, a father’s interest in a child’s schooling is strongly linked to educational outcomes for the child. Many parents want to be involved in their children’s education. In a recent study in England 72% of parents said that they wanted more involvement.

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      This resource provides key information about engaging parents in HPL

    • Examples from HPL Schools 

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      Shared by Kavitha Mohandram at GEMS, Cambridge International School, Dubai

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      Michelle Morgan from King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls' Academy shares how the School implements the HPL Philosophy and framework in their School to Parents.

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      HPL Schools have shared presentations they used to introduce the framework to student's parents. 

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      This resource was shared by Nicholas Rudd, Deputy Head of Senior School and Head of Sixth Form

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      Read the St Mary's Cambridge Accolade Magazine. 

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      Read the St Mary's Cambridge Accolade Magazine.