FAQs - HPL Online
Section outline
HPL Online FAQs
Q: Who do I contact when I have a HPL Online request or issue?
A: Please contact hplonline@highperformancelearning.co.uk
Q: I have forgotten my password?
A: Email hplonline@highperformancelearning.co.uk
Q: No one in my school can access HPLOnline even though our accounts have been set up?
A: Please check that your school's CSV file has been sent to hplonline@highperformancelearning.co.uk
Q: I can access HPL Online at home but not when I am in school?
A: Please speak to your school's IT Team as they may need to add the domain to a safe list
Q: New staff members need to be added can I send you their email addresses?
A: Yes, of course, but please send them in the CSV file format
Q: I was told I would get an email to say that I had been registered but I don’t have one?
A: Please check your junk folder
Q: What should I include on the CSV File
A: Please include the teacher's first name, surname, department/ designation, and email address
Q: Does the formatting on the CSV file need to be the same?
A: Yes
Q: I can’t find a copy of the CSV File where is it?
A: Please click here
Q: What is my username for HPL Online?
A: Your username is the same as your school email address
Q: Why does the senior leadership team have different access than what I have, is this a mistake?
A: No, the senior leadership team has slightly different access to other members of staff
Q: Only the drive team can see the course?
A: This section is only for the drive team. You can share these resources with your wider staff if needed.
Q: Can you tell me how many of my staff have been using HPL Online and who?
A: Yes, please request it by sending an email to hplonline@highperformancelearning.co.uk
Q: We have some new members of staff at school how can they gain access to HPL Online?
A: Please fill in the CSV file as usual – please let us know if they are a middle leader, senior leader, Head/ Principal or HPL Lead.
Q: My school is now part of the FGC can I still access programme information?
A: No as you have now completed the programme.