Section outline

    • In preparation for the 24/25 academic year, HPL requires your school's CSV file containing all staff contact details, this allows all staff access to the vast range of support accessible through HPL Online. Your school's existing CSV File will be wiped from HPL Online and therefore HPL Leads are required to send their school's new updated CSV Files.

      To provide your staff with access to HPL Online, the HPL Lead needs to fill in as much information as he/she can in the CSV file. There are 4 tabs/sheets which can be accessed in the form such as School InformationStaff InformationDrive Team Information and Middle Leaders Information. It is mandatory for the School Information and Staff tabs to be completed.

      When your CSV file is received we will set up your staff on HPL Online and each person will receive a welcome email in their email inbox. The email will be sent from the following email address: Please advise staff to check their junk mail as the spam filter sometimes filters an initial email.
      If for some reason you find that you and your staff are having trouble accessing HPL Online, even though you have sent through your CSV file and accounts have been set up, please check with your school's IT Team to make sure they have added the domain to a safe list before contacting us as this is a likely reason for the problem. All staff user names will follow the same format as your school email address. 

      All CSV files should be returned to If you require any assistance or clarity regarding the CSV file please  contact
      Download HPL's CSV Template here.